Friday, 29 March 2013

Friday Letters The First

I've seen these on quite a few blogs now, and always thought the idea was lovely-taking a few moments to write a sentence or two as a letter to your universe each week. (All started by Ashley at who now does a link up for lots of people to post their Friday Letters in, and gather them all together.
I know I've been pants at blogging recently, I've got lots of ideas in my head but I'm struggling to get them out and onto paper at the moment for some reason-they're just not coming together right. In a bid to ensure I post something this week, and because I again haven't written a Five Minute Friday piece, I'm going to write a Friday Letters post:

Dear Spring: Please come soon. Snow is ever so fun in winter but not in April. I miss flowers and lambs and green grass everywhere.
Dear Blog: I'm sorry I've been neglecting you. I'll be back soon, I hope, just need to get the cobwebs out of my brain and allow the inspiration out.
Dear Readers: Thankyou for sticking with me during my prolonged absences. I've not had a day with 0 pageviews in months, so thanks! I'll make it up to you, or at least I'll try.
Dear Body: Please, please get properly better soon. You've been iller in 2013 than for years and it's really rubbish. Please no more colds that last more than a month, stomach bugs, days where I can't get out of bed and definitely no more incredibly painful stomach spasms like the one you gave me yesterday. That was horrid. STOP IT PLEASE.
Dear Sheffield: I'm going to be in you for a whole week next week. This makes me happy.
Dear Sheffield Friends: We should get together for drinks and cake and marvellous things.
Dear Me: Don't give up yet, and keep on smiling.


I will be in Sheffield next week for rehearsals and such like, but I intend to have internet access so will hopefully get a few more blogs up as long as my brain decides to co-operate!

1 comment:

  1. Over from the linkup! Love your "Dear Me", we could all use a little extra encouragement! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


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