I have been a student, and a teenager. I love to go on stage and spend a lot of time in very silly costumes of one variety of another. I have even worn a beard in the interest of performing and have included a picture for your pleasure (because I know you were all dying to see it). I'm largely unafraid of making a fool of myself in most situations, but that is not the the thing that I have to confess, because you should all have realised this by now.
No, what I have to say is this:
I'm not very good at fancy dress.
I'd go so far as to say I'm completely and totally pants at it. I either always over think things and end up as something that no-one recognises and I have to spend the whole night explaining it to people, or I try so hard to be different and do something that no-one else will think of that I end up as something that no-one recognises and I have to spend the whole night explaining it to people, or I don't really know how to make the theme work for me so I end up as something that no-one recognises and I have to spend the whole night explaining it to people.

What did I dress as? A bohemian. From We Will Rock You. Only I didn't have anything skimpy enough or leathery enough or covered in studs enough. Basically I just wore odd clothes and bright makeup. It probably didn't work. I also spent all evening pointing out to people what I was. Again.
Then there was the time my friend had a "cartoon" themed birthday. See if you can guess who I was-big pigtails with purple ribbons, short purple dress, orange sleeves and hideous blue and green tights. I even had purple shoes. I thought I'd nailed it this time, there was no way people wouldn't know who I was, right?
WRONG. I had to spend all night explaining that I was Angelica from the Rugrats-I even had a Cynthia (apparently the actual one wasn't really naked but hey ho).
I am so done with fancy dress. I'm not even sure I like it that much any way. I'm not completely against it by any means, I don't hate and loathe it like some people, but I'm just a bit 'meh' about it. Yeah, it's kind of fun when you're all in a big group together looking a bit mad. When you're on the bus, or in the queue for the loo, or at the bar you look a bit weird, and not in the good way. And it's so much effort and for what? For people to not know who you are, for someone to always have made a tonne more effort than you did and look a million times more amazing, for someone to have gone out and cheated by hiring a proper costume from a costume shop. For strange looks and comments and for people to just not get it. I'm tired of it.
We've had a good run, fancy dress and I, I had lots of fancy dress birthday parties as a child, and had lots of fun with them, I've tried a lot as an adult and had less success. But I think we should amicably part ways here. I'm just not that into you, fancy dress, it's not you, it's me, I just don't like you enough any more, I think (shock horror) I might have outgrown you a little. Sorry I'm not sorry.
And for your enjoyment, and because I didn't want to spam you with too many pictures, here's a slide show of some more of my fancy dress win/fails. Mostly fails, let's face it. There are many more than this, but I can't find pictorial evidence of them any more =( (I have spent a LOT of time scouring FB today for you folks, hope you appreciate it!)
I feel your pain! I too don't really do fancy dress, I have managed to avoid all the recent occasions of fancy dress. Although I do a good witch at halloween but its mostly out of my every day wardrobe x