Friday, 4 November 2011

I'm Grateful For...

Seen a couple of these posts and really like the idea behind them. So here are some of the things I have been grateful for in recent times. (In no particular order)

-A friend who lives 10,000 miles away so that she is awake at stupid o clock (my time) to tell me to shut up and go to sleep now.

Beautifully modelling a lift here.
-This lady, who is perhaps the best housemate I could ever ask for. She invited me to live in this awesome house. She gives me loo roll in times of emergency. She prints essays out for me when my printer has no cables to do so. She brings me Icecream. She texts me to make sure I am up for my lectures, and lends me her notes when I'm not. She's generally a mummy, and I would be rather worse for wear without her.

-My Nate, who has made my life so much better over the last few years. He makes me smile a lot.

-My Twinny, who never denies me a lift in her car no matter how much I deface it with my tongue. A lady who never says no to a favour, coz she's got a heart of gold. She wears stupid hats with me so I'm not alone.

This photo still makes me giggle-my Dad fails at taking photos at arms length
-The Parentals, without whom I would never have been able to afford to stay in university. And probably would never have gone in the first place. Sometimes I forget just how grateful I am for everything they do for me.

-This strange one, who has known me for all of her life and not got fed up of me yet. That's some achievement there I think. She's a bit silly. (I kinda like it)

-USLES, who have filled my university times with hilarity and awesomeness. Made me their principle boy and then their president. Would be so lost without them.

Thank you all, for being a part of my life. You've all been fabulous. And sometimes, so have I.

Until next time,

1 comment:

Don't be shy, say hello!