Tuesday, 18 October 2011

My Week, The Highs and the Lows

Something different this week, because I am bored of posting more pictures than text. Here's a summary of my week, then.
Highpoint: Tuesday. Got inked. Have wanted this done for ages, and now I am falling in love with it a bit more every day. Good job really, considering it's on me for the rest of my life-eek.

Lowpoint:  Wednesday night (Technically Thursday morning.) Minor emotional breakdown at half past 5 in the morning. Very very grateful for having a friend in Australia who was awake to tell me that I was being stupid and to go to bed. Sound advice. (Thank you!)
Lowpoint: Thursday, busy busy.
Highpoint: Thursday. Sign Language class-first of the term. Hard work but very gratifying. I can now say elephant in sign language, and who doesn't want to do that? 
Highpoint: Thursday evening. Skype with Amycakes. Who spent a large portion of the conversation with a rubber duck (named Felicity) on her head. 
What can I say? My friends are weirdos. I also made her fall off her chair laughing 2 and a half times, because I am awesome. 
Lowpoint: Friday afternoon. A very stressful train journey for a girl who doesn't deal well with being surrounded by lots of people...
Highpoint: I got my cuddle. And then I went and spent a lot of time in Asda with Nate and Zoe and Jason. I bought nice clothes, and it was actually rather a lot of fun. Yep, we are that cool. 
Highpoint: Saturday/Sunday. LITTLE SHOW. Fabulousness. Dancing like a drunken old lady, being one half of the cutest Tweedles around, performing one of my favourite songs with 8 other wonderful voices, getting on stage without any costume catastrophies and actually feeling sexy in my corset. Never having to sing Katy Perry's Firework again, going wrong within the first 30 seconds of stepping on stage, and making everyone else in the cast giggle. Awesome people. It was, quite frankly, brilliant. 
Lowpoint: The end of Little Show. The end of me constantly being busy on a Sunday. All my friends doing North Notts and me being on the periphery watching, and hearing about it. Sigh. I know it's for the best and all, but I am gonna miss those guys/being busy. But I guess you can't have it all.

So for now, that's me.

Jenni x

1 comment:

  1. I am a bit special, aren't I?

    Hoping you're feeling better now xx


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