My Week In Photos (MWIP if I am feeling lazy) is a photo snap shot of my life for the previous week, as a sort of diary for myself. I am aiming to post one every Monday, although I cannot promise that there will be 7 photos each week. I have imported them here from my other
blog because I feel this is a better home for them. GIAG Diaries is about doing new things and trying new experiences, Life and Times is more about me, about my life, about the ordinary adventures. Because every day IS an adventure really, so what better way to remember them?
I give you then, My Week In Photos.
This is my 'Before' Hair shot. Ignore the dodgy light and tired eyes. |
I was meant to get my hair cut today but the hairdresser was ill, so that didn't happen...
This is not an 'After' hair shot. Fright Night at the cinema. I didn't rate it. |
I saw my Nate. No photo, coz I forgot!
Ditto for Thursday! It was spent tidying Nate's room.
Trev's Leaving Party, for she is going to London to be dancey and stuff |
Spent the whole day with these lovelies! It was very giggly.
Sunday |
I spend all my Sundays with these weirdos. It's quite fun.
(Little Show 2011) |
And there you have it!
I will see you next week,
Jenni x
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